Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Abstinence Only vs. Traditional Safe Sex Approach: A Study in the West

Various organizations from the west, including the Sexuality Information and education Council of the United States (SEICUS), Planned Parenthood, and the National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League (NARAL), have been prime supporters of "safe-sex" programs for youth, which entail guidance on the use of condoms and other means of contraception while diminishing the importance of abstinence. Clearly, the caveat that says "and if you do engage in sex, this is how you should do it" substantially weakens an admonition against early non-marital sexual activity.

Not only do such programs, by their very nature, minimize the abstinence component of sex education, but many of these programs also implicitly encourage sexual activity among the youths they teach. The guidelines developed for example, include teaching children aged five through eight about masturbation and teaching youths aged 9 through 12 about alternative sexual activities such as mutual masturbation, "outercourse," and oral sex. In addition, the SEICUS guidelines suggest informing youths aged 16 through 18 that sexual activity can include bathing or showering together as well as oral, vaginal, or anal intercourse, and that they can use erotic photographs, movies, or literature to enhance their sexual fantasies when alone or with a partner. Not only do such activities carry their own risks for youth, but they are also likely to increase the incidence of sexual intercourse.

In recent years, parental support for real abstinence education has grown. Because of this, many traditional safe-sex programs now take to calling themselves "abstinence plus" or "abstinence-based" education. In reality, there is little abstinence training in "abstinence-based" education. Instead, these programs are thinly disguised efforts to promote condom use. The actual content of most "abstinence plus" curricula would be alarming to most parents. For example, such programs typically have condom use exercises in which middle school students practice unrolling condoms on cucumbers or dildoes.

Critics of abstinence education often assert that while abstinence education that exclusively promotes abstaining from premarital sex is a good idea in theory, there is no evidence that such education can actually reduce sexual activity among young people. Such criticism is erroneous. There are currently 10 scientific evaluations (described below) that demonstrate the effectiveness of abstinence programs in altering sexual behavior. Each of the programs evaluated is a real abstinence (or what is conventionally termed an "abstinence only") program; that is, the program does not provide contraceptives or encourage their use.

The abstinence programs and their evaluations are as follows:

1. Virginity Pledge Programs. An article in the Journal of the American Medical Association by Dr. Michael Resnick and others entitled "Protecting Adolescents From Harm: Findings from the National Longitudinal Study on Adolescent Health" shows that "abstinence pledge" programs are dramatically effective in reducing sexual activity among teenagers in grades 7 through 12. Based on a large national sample of adolescents, the study concludes that "Adolescents who reported having taken a pledge to remain a virgin were at significantly lower risk of early age of sexual debut."

In fact, the study found that participating in an abstinence program and taking a formal pledge of virginity were by far the most significant factors in a youth's delaying early sexual activity. The study compared students who had taken a formal pledge of virginity with students who had not taken a pledge but were otherwise identical in terms of race, income, school performance, degree of religiousness, and other social and demographic factors. Based on this analysis, the authors discovered that the level of sexual activity among students who had taken a formal pledge of virginity was one-fourth the level of that of their counterparts who had not taken a pledge. Overall, nearly 16 percent of girls and 10 percent of boys were found to have taken a virginity pledge.

2. Not Me, Not Now. Not Me, Not Now is a community-wide abstinence intervention targeted to 9- to 14-year-olds in Monroe County, New York, which includes the city of Rochester. The Not Me, Not Now program devised a mass communications strategy to promote the abstinence message through paid TV and radio advertising, billboards, posters distributed in schools, educational materials for parents, an interactive Web site, and educational sessions in school and community settings. The program sought to communicate five themes: raising awareness of the problem of teen pregnancy, increasing an understanding of the negative consequences of teen pregnancy, developing resistance to peer pressure, promoting parent-child communication, and promoting abstinence among teens.

Not Me, Not Now was effective in reaching early teen listeners, with some 95 percent of the target audience within the county reporting that they had seen a Not Me, Not Now ad. During the intervention period, the program achieved a statistically significant positive shift in attitudes among pre-teens and early teens in the county. The sexual activity rate of 15-year-olds across the county (as reported in the Youth Risk Behavior Survey ) dropped by a statistically significant amount from 46.6 percent to 31.6 percent during the intervention period. Finally, the pregnancy rate for girls aged 15 through 17 in Monroe County fell by a statistically significant amount, from 63.4 pregnancies per 1,000 girls to 49.5 pregnancies per 1,000. The teen pregnancy rate fell more rapidly in Monroe County than in comparison counties and in upstate New York in general, and the difference in the rate of decrease was statistically significant.

3. Operation Keepsake. Operation Keepsake is an abstinence program for 12- and 13-year-old children in Cleveland, Ohio. Some 77 percent of the children in the program were black or Hispanic. An evaluation of the program in 2001, involving a sample of over 800 students, found that "Operation Keepsake had a clear and sustainable impact on...abstinence beliefs." The evaluation showed that the program reduced the rate of onset of sexual activity (loss of virginity) by roughly two-thirds relative to comparable students in control schools who did not participate in the program. In addition, the program reduced by about one-fifth the rate of current sexual activity among those with prior sexual experience.

4. Abstinence by Choice. Abstinence by Choice operates in 20 schools in the Little Rock area of Arkansas. The program targets 7th, 8th, and 9th grade students and reaches about 4,000 youths each year. A recent evaluation, involving a sample of nearly 1,000 students, shows that the program has been highly effective in changing the attitudes that are directly linked to early sexual activity. Moreover, the program reduced the sexual activity rates of girls by approximately 40 percent (from 10.2 percent to 5.9 percent) and the rate for boys by approximately 30 percent (from 22.8 percent to 15.8 percent) when compared with similar students who had not been exposed to the program. (The sexual activity rate of students in the program was compared with the rate of sexual activity among control students in the same grade in the same schools prior to the commencement of the program.)

5. Virginity Pledge Movement. A 2001 evaluation of the effectiveness of the virginity pledge movement using data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health finds that virginity pledge programs are highly effective in helping adolescents to delay sexual activity. According to the authors of the study:

Adolescents who pledge, controlling for all of the usual characteristics of adolescents and their social contexts that are associated with the transition to sex, are much less likely than adolescents who do not pledge, to have intercourse. The delay effect is substantial and robust. Pledging delays intercourse for a long time.

The study, based on a sample of more than 5,000 students, concludes that taking a virginity pledge reduces by one-third the probability that an adolescent will begin sexual activity compared with other adolescents of the same gender and age, after controlling for a host of other factors linked to sexual activity rates such as physical maturity, parental disapproval of sexual activity, school achievement, and race. When taking a virginity pledge is combined with strong parental disapproval of sexual activity, the probability of initiation of sexual activity is reduced by 75 percent or more.

6. Teen Aid and Sex Respect. An evaluation of the Teen Aid and Sex Respect abstinence programs in three school districts in Utah showed that both programs were effective among the students who were at the greatest risk of initiating sexual activity. Approximately 7,000 high school and middle school students participated in the evaluation. To determine the effects of the programs, students in schools with the abstinence programs were compared with students in similar control schools within the same school district. Statistical adjustments were applied to further control for any initial differences between program participants and control students. The programs together were shown to reduce the rate of initiation of sexual activity among at-risk high school students by over a third when compared with a control group of similar students who were not exposed to the program. Statistically significant changes in behavior were not found among junior high students.

When high school and junior high school students were examined together, Sex Respect was shown to reduce the rate of initiation of sexual activity among at-risk students by 25 percent when compared with a control group of similar students who were not exposed to the program. Teen Aid was found to reduce the initiation of sex activity by some 17 percent. A third non-abstinence program, Values and Choices, which offered non-directive or value-free instruction in sex education and decision-making, was found to have no impact on sexual behavior.

7. Family Accountability Communicating Teen Sexuality (FACTS). An evaluation performed for the national Title XX abstinence program examined the effectiveness of the Family Accountability Communicating Teen Sexuality abstinence program in reducing teen sexual activity. The evaluation assessed the FACTS program by comparing a sample of students who participated in the program with a group of comparable students in separate control schools who did not participate in the program. The experimental and control students together comprised a sample of 308 students. The evaluation found the FACTS program to be highly effective in delaying the onset of sexual activity. Students who participated in the program were 30 percent to 50 percent less likely to commence sexual activity than were those who did not participate.

8. Postponing Sexual Involvement (PSI). Postponing Sexual Involvement was an abstinence program developed by Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia, and provided to low-income 8th grade students. A study published in Family Planning Perspectives, based on a sample of 536 low-income students, showed that the PSI program was effective in altering sexual behavior. A comparison of the program participants with a control population of comparable low-income minority students who did not participate showed that PSI reduced the rate of initiation of sexual activity during the 8th grade by some 60 percent for boys and over 95 percent for girls. As the study explained:

The program had a pronounced effect on the behavior of both boys and girls who had not been sexually involved before the program.... By the end of eighth grade, boys who had not had the program were more than three times as likely to have begun having sex as were boys who had the program.... Girls who had not had the program were as much as 15 times more likely to have begun having sex as were girls who had had the program.

The effects of the program lasted into the next school year even though no additional sessions were provided. By the end of the 9th grade, boys and girls who had participated in PSI were still some 35 percent less likely to have commenced sexual activity than were those who had not participated in the abstinence program.

9. Project Taking Charge. Project Taking Charge is a six-week abstinence curriculum delivered in home economics classes during the school year. It was designed for use in low-income communities with high rates of teen pregnancy. The curriculum contains these elements: self-development; basic information about sexual biology (anatomy, physiology, and pregnancy); vocational goal-setting; Family communication; and values instruction on the importance of delaying sexual activity until marriage. The effect of the program has been evaluated in two sites: Wilmington, Delaware, and West Point, Mississippi. The evaluation was based on a small sample of 91 adolescents. Control and experimental groups were created by randomly assigning classrooms to either receive or not receive the program. The students were assessed immediately before and after the program and through a six-month follow-up.

In the six-month follow-up, Project Taking Charge was shown to have had a statistically significant effect in increasing adolescents' knowledge of the problems associated with teen pregnancy, the problems of sexually transmitted diseases, and reproductive biology. The program was also shown to reduce the rate of onset of sexual activity by 50 percent relative to the students in the control group, although the authors urge caution in the interpretation of these numbers due to the small size of the evaluation sample.

10. Teen Aid Family Life education Project. The Teen Aid Family Life education Project is a widely used abstinence education program for high school and junior high students. An evaluation of the effectiveness of Teen Aid, involving a sample of over 1,300 students, was performed in 21 schools in California, Idaho, Oregon, Mississippi, Utah, and Washington. The Teen Aid program was shown to have a statistically significant effect in reducing the rate of initiation of sexual activity (loss of virginity) among high-risk high school students, compared with similar students in control schools. Among at-risk high school students who participated in the program, the rate of initiation of sexual activity was cut by more than one-fourth, from 37 percent to 27 percent. A similar pattern of reduction was found among at-risk junior high school students, but the effects did not achieve statistical significance. The program did not have statistically significant effects among lower-risk students.

Extracted from:


Timeline for Job Execution

~ December 2010 ~









PR: Confirmed with Pertama on date and availability

PC: Rough module


PM: Meeting on Progress


Treasurer: Submission of sponsorships letter to related companies



Pamphlet, banner, poster design completed


ST: Pamphlet, banner, poster printed


PR & All: Distribution of pamphlets, banners and poster in housing areas and at 1st Muharram talks in mosques


PM: Meeting on Progress


PT: Book venue and equipments


PC & All: Faci training session




Registration closed

ST: Confirm no. of participants


Catering: Book foods

ST: Program book and certificates


PM: Meeting on Progress



PC: Briefing of masterplan

18 The Execution Day! Let’s pray to Allah=)

Pamphlet Ajari Aku Cinta (1st Prototype)


Ni pamphlet "Ajari Aku Cinta", untuk diedarkan di masjid2/ promotion..

Belum finalize. Sila berikan komen & cadangan.
Kalau nak tambah wording pun boleh lagi...
Sebab ni baru front page..
Boleh print depan belakang

(.. . . . . provided budget cukup).

I m thinking of lipat pamphlet ni lipat 6, instead of lipat 3 (kena potong sikit)
Err.. dapat bayangkan x?
So kiranya last2 final pamphlet jadi bentuk square..

Pendidikan Seks di sekolah mulai 2011...

PUTRAJAYA: Kira-kira 500,000 murid Tahun Satu sesi persekolahan 2011 bakal menjadi kumpulan pertama diajar pendidikan seks yang diperkenalkan menerusi Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Rendah (KSSR), mulai Januari depan.

Pengarah Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum, Kementerian Pelajaran, Datu Dr Julaihi Bujang, berkata pendedahan pendidikan seks itu akan diajar menerusi subjek Pendidikan Kesihatan, di bawah Modul Teras Asas bagi Tahap Satu membabitkan murid Tahun Satu hingga Tiga.
“Pengetahuan mengenai pendidikan seks itu mewakili 75 peratus daripada keseluruhan pengisian kurikulum baru subjek berkenaan,” katanya.Julaihi berkata, enam tunjang menjadi teras pengisian pendidikan seks yang akan dilaksanakan secara berperingkat bermula Tahun Satu hingga Enam mencakupi perkembangan manusia, perhubungan, perkahwinan dan kekeluargaan, kemahiran kendiri, kesihatan dan tingkah laku seksual serta masyarakat dan budaya.

“Perkembangan manusia mendedahkan murid mengenai pengetahuan sistem reproduktif manusia, manakala perhubungan pula menjurus mengenai kasih sayang dan persahabatan. Murid turut didedahkan mengenai perkahwinan dan kekeluargaan yang merangkumi tanggungjawab sepanjang hayat sebagai ibu bapa, manakala kebolehan dalam membuat keputusan menjadi pengisian kepada tunjang kemahiran kendiri.

“Turut diberi penekanan adalah kesihatan dan tingkah laku seksual yang membicarakan amalan seks sepanjang kehidupan, kaedah mengelakkan hubungan seksual, fantasi, kehamilan, penyakit seksual berjangkit, HIV dan Aids, manakala masyarakat dan budaya pula menyentuh mengenai isu seks dan masyarakat dan perundangan,” katanya kepada Berita Harian di pejabatnya di sini.

Julaihi berkata, keputusan menjadikan pendidikan seks sebagai pengisian utama subjek Pendidikan Kesihatan diambil selepas mengambil kira maklum balas dan pandangan pelbagai pihak termasuk Persatuan Aids Malaysia menerusi perbincangan meja bulat yang diadakan bagi memastikan kurikulum yang dibentuk memenuhi keperluan semasa pendidikan negara.
Beliau berkata, guru yang terbabit dengan pengajaran subjek berkenaan sudah diberi kursus, manakala bahan pengajaran turut disediakan bagi memudahkan murid mengikutinya, tahun depan.

“Kita amat berharap ibu bapa tidak bimbang dengan perkembangan terbaru ini, malah kita sendiri akui apa saja perkara baru membabitkan dasar atau kurikulum pasti ada yang sukar menerima dan memahaminya.

“Apapun, kita yakin jika pelaksanaannya (pendidikan seks) dapat dijalankan dengan baik dan lancar, masyarakat khususnya ibu bapa pasti memberi sokongan dan kerjasama terhadap pembaharuan ini,” katanya.

Julaihi menjelaskan, selain Pendidikan Kesihatan, subjek lain di bawah Modul Teras Asas murid Tahap Satu termasuk subjek Pendidikan Jasmani, Bahasa Malaysia (BM), Bahasa Inggeris (BI), Bahasa Cina (BC), Bahasa Tamil (BT), Matematik serta Pendidikan Islam/Moral.

Di bawah Modul Teras Tema pula, katanya, dua subjek baru turut diperkenalkan kepada murid Tahun Satu iaitu Dunia Kesenian serta Dunia Sains dan Teknologi, masing-masing mendedahkan kemahiran berkaitan seni visual dan muzik serta Teknologi Komunikasi dan Maklumat.

Katanya, murid Sekolah Kebangsaan juga diberi peluang memilih subjek tambahan di bawah Modul Elektif yang menyediakan subjek Bahasa Arab, BC Sekolah Kebangsaan, BT Sekolah Kebangsaan, Bahasa Iban dan Bahasa Kadazandusun.

“Bagi kurikulum Tahap Dua pula membabitkan murid Tahun Empat, Lima dan Enam, kurikulum diorganisasikan dalam bentuk subjek teras dan elektif dan dilaksanakan mulai 2014.

“Antara subjek baru yang bakal diperkenalkan adalah Reka Bentuk dan Teknologi Maklumat/ICT dan Sejarah, manakala subjek sedia ada seperti BM, BI, BC, BT, Pendidikan Kesihatan, Pendidikan Jasmani, Matematik, Sains dan Pendidikan Islam/Moral,” katanya.

“Pelaksanaan KSSR adalah usaha kita untuk mentransformasikan pendidikan sekolah dengan menyatupadukan pelbagai disiplin ilmu bagi menjadikan pengajaran dan pembelajaran (P&P) lebih menarik, menyeronokkan dan bermakna.

“Enam tunjang menjadi teras pelaksanaan KSSR mencakupi komunikasi, perkembangan fizikal dan estetika, kemanusiaan, keterampilan diri, sains dan teknologi serta kerohanian, sikap dan nilai,” katanya.

Mengenai penyediaan guru, beliau menjelaskan, Kementerian Pelajaran sudah melatih lebih 2,000 Jurulatih Utama (JU) setiap mata pelajaran di peringkat kebangsaan yang bertanggungjawab melatih guru di negeri masing-masing.

“JU bertanggungjawab mendedahkan pendekatan P&P yang terbaik dan sesuai diterjemahkan guru di dalam kelas seperti dihasratkan dalam KSSR,” katanya.

dipetik dari:

Monday, November 15, 2010

Correspondence with CUCMS

Iman to Eda

Assalamualaikum, dear ukt eda..

Hope that this reaches u while u are in the best of Iman..ameen

I am Iman fifth year medical student from IIUM Kuantan. Insya Allah we will be organizing a sexual education program for secondary school students somewhere next year. the details are in the working paper attached. it is a very simple program, but we are also doing a mini study on the issue.. you can refer to ajari-aku-cinta for further information on our study.
It has just started, and we have been moving slow like tortoise since evryone is busy and this is our very final year, i guess the same goes to your team. Insya allah, in some way, we will get to the end.

We are just wondering if some form of collaboration is possible; these are a few:
  1. sharing of module
  2. sharing of sources
  3. sharing of speaker
  4. sharing of experiences
  5. invitation of CUCMS student to carry out a training of trainer program. date will be informed later

these are a few that i could think of. really need you response and input since your team are well ahead.. Jazakillah =)


Eda to Iman

ya ukht iman :)

Jzkk for the mail. attachment in blog form is it? im forwarding this email to my colleagues, insyaallah we'll come out with few suggestions later on. in the mean time please continue your beutiful effort, :)

ill come back to you as soon as possible. sorry as there are not much can be done in this due time T.T

looking forward to collaborate insyaallah.

take care wassalam

ukhwah fillah :)

edahayati tajudin

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Latest Meeting

Date : 8th November 2010
Time : 815 am
Venue : Lecture Hall 1

Alhamdulillah, we had our 4th meeting after long time busy with our study. Thanks a lot for the co-operation given by all the members. Below are the arising matters that had been discussed during our meeting:

1. The financial issue

Since the kulliyyah can’t provide financial support for FYP, we should find another alternative for our budget.Eventhough Mr Amin, temporary FYP’s supervisor will try to appeal for some amount of money from the Rector, we should think other methods of either reducing the budget or find another source of income.

There are two suggestions proposed by Iman.

The first suggestion is to conduct the programme at one chosen school. Thus, most of the money will be supported by the school instead of us. However since we plan to conduct the programme early next year, the teachers may be busy with the students and may not be interested to have the programme right after the holiday.

The next suggestion is each members of the group should collect at least RM100 from the relatives or family members.

Hafis had came out with another suggestion, which was to try to find the sponsor from the outsiders (big companies eg Petronas).

Finalised date: 15th January 2010

2. Literature review

Every group was assigned with the topics to read and the information will be included in our report (as posted in the group’s blog). The due date is on 21st November 2010. Insya Allah, we will have a session for all of us to gather and do the review together.

3. Training for the trainers

Before the programme, we will have a session conducted by PC to give exposure and better understanding regarding the issue.

Points to be noted:

1. Sponsorship committee : Hafiz Jo and Azrul
-Get the list of possible sponsors
-Send the letters to the potential companies (if possible within this week)

2. PC committee
- Think of a training for trainers session to be conducted, if possible to be conducted within this month before it gets busy
-To review module from CUCMS

3. Every members:
- Please start to SEARCH for assigned topics given.
- Starts to collect RM 100. In case the moneys are needed.

This is a beautiful verse to ponder upon..

And spend of your substance in the cause of Allah, and make not your own hands contribute to (your) destruction; but do good; for Allah loveth those who are Muhseneen 3:134

'substance'= not just wealth, but can also mean energy, time, sweat and blood.

Thank you, dear friends. May Allah recognize our deeds, and have mercy on us, and allow us His Jannah.. Ameen

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Task Division


Topics Covered


1. The epidemiology of premarital conception thrown babies and HIV in Malaysia (Include updated statistical analysis from newspaper or preexisting research)

2. Malaysian’s government and other NGOS effort in curbing the issue

3. What is sexual education?

4. Current progress of the implementation of sexual education in Malaysia


1. The western approach in handling premarital conception

2. Implementation of sexual education in the western countries

3. Its reported effectiveness


1. Islamic approach towards sexual education (take instances from Qur’an, Sunnah and seerah with complete citation)

2. The challenges of implementing sexual education in Malaysia

3. Suggestion for the improvement of sexual education module

4. Conclusions

Interesting and Hot, yet Impending Portfolio =)


This is the proper task division. Any suggestion of improvement, feel free to let me know =)

Insya Allah, upon completion of the task we will have better understanding of what is sex education, how has it been implemented in the western countries, the result of incorrect implementation, what does Islam says and what does Islam offers in terms of managing the social ills and the effectiveness (with evidence), the feasibility of the application of sexual education with tawhidic values in a multicultural society like Malaysia.

It is a multispecialities issue, the in-thing since few years ago with heated discussion among psychologist, sociologist, physicians, law makers, politicians and teachers.. and budding doctors attempting to understand everything and take part =US!

maybe one day we will be invited by the MOE to construct the sexual education module for the Malaysian youth years ahead.

Or, perhaps in smaller scale, we can present our 'study finding' with result of 'field work' (Ajari Aku Cinta to school student) during one CPC session. I'm sure many lecturers and students are eager to know. Just a possibility.

Whatever it is, for the time being, let's give our best shot=)

Group Division : 3 groups, according to O & G posting group.
[Group 1 (1 &4), group 2 (2&5), group 3 (3&6)]

Leaders : Group 1 = Azfar, Mc T
Group 2 = Paan, Iman
Group 3 = Amin, Azlina

Editorial : Karniza, Farhanah

Due date : 21/11/10 = End of second week of pediatrics posting

Submission : Post your end material to this blog + relevant sources (valid)