Sunday, October 10, 2010

Bahasa Melayu vs English?


Kepada rakan seposting, nak minta pendapat, lagi baik buat blog ni dalam bahasa melayu ke english?

B. Melayu:
- target group kita budak sekolah menengah, yg kita expect lagi selesa bahasa melayu (bukan perkecil).
- kita harap blog ni dibaca oleh BUKAN SAHAJA target group, tapi kawan2 mereka, dan juga remaja-remaja lain (juga kita expect lagi selesa dengan bahasa melayu).
- tapi kalau buat dalam bahasa melayu takut 'bunyi' skema sangat... huhu..

- IF we expect this blog will be read by our lecturers, fellow MBBS students, junior (e.g. for future reference e.t.c.), then english could be the language of choice.
- but if we choose english as the medium, i don't expect it'd reach out the teens outside there..

Agak-agak blog ni kita nk buat untuk siapa baca?

...Ke tanya advisor? Haha..

  • Hopefully we'd be professional and stick to one dedicated language. No 'manglish' please. Nor do 'sms-styled-truncated-words-and poor spelling.

Maaf sebab kata tak nak campur bahasa, tapi diri sendiri pun dah tercampur...
Anyway it's a good practice actually.... especially in the future when we are working.

1 comment:

  1. Assalamualaikum,

    Firstly, thumbs up sheth for the creation of this fabulous blog.

    We are a step forward, alhamdulillah=)

    Of course, it can be even more fabulous with the input from others.

    just a suggestion.

    This audience of this blog can include us, the committee members,supervisor;Prof Hamizah Ismail, lecturers, university students, pupils and teachers.

    we will be posting our resources on sexual education which can be in many languages; english, malay, arabic. however, most of the materials for the teenage audiences will be in malay.

    therefore, why don't we maintain this blog as a multilingual one, however the author must decide on the use of one single language and not a mixed one for each posting. this is the time for us to practice pure english and pure malay which is equally difficult

    Later everything can be sorted into folder; titled 'untuk adik-adik-ku' and 'compiled resources' or anything more attractive for easy acccessibility.

    Just my 2 cents, anyone?
